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If Inara begins flanking you, the Agony Stuns work wonders for escaping. You cannot Shadow Walk in TG Warder's Field, so simply Stun Inara and you'll have time to walk out of the field, and then you can Shadow Walk to escape.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
General vs Skye
If she ults hide behind something big enough to cover your whole champion. This way you can dogde all the damage and have it explode on the other side of the wall.
Submitted by TheCreatr 2 years ago
General vs Kinessa
Don't aim using your mouse. Try to move around and aiming for heads (go for eagles eye.) Invest in prodigity for the extra movement speed.
Submitted by PowerCore24 6 years ago
General vs Vivian
If Vivian uses her shield, aim for her feet if you’re running direct damage, or the ground below her if you have AoE. This is extremely useful in any range combat with her.
Submitted by WildCharger 6 years ago
Evie's ultimate slows and cripples enemies, soar towards the enemy's spawn and try to catch their tanks and healers in the Ice Storm, it can seriously delay them and give your team precious seconds to secure the objective!
Submitted by CaoCao777 6 years ago