
Tip overview

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You have too much health and sustain for Lian to burst through. Just run into her and start firing, she'll be dead soon.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 3 years ago
This is a very general tip and can work in many other cases with Seris. When you hear Drogoz ult and know he will target you (or to be safe) quickly go into shadow travel. This makes you immune to his ult and will confuse the enemy. Be fast, though!
Submitted by r1v3rl1ght 4 years ago
General vs Ruckus
Ruckus can activate a shield, if you are finding it hard to kill him then purchase "wrecker" from the item shop, getting it to tier 3 shreds through his shield.
Submitted by h0pT0_Gaming 4 years ago
If you try to dive Furia, you'll get a pyre beam straight to the face. Furia suffers from the fact that her damage is short range, so the further you are away from Furia, the bigger your advantage against Furia.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
General vs Dredge
Talus is a good champion to flank Dredge. Talus can disrupt Dredges flow of dealing damage and stop him from spamming his AoE (Area of Effect) attacks. Talus should kill him if he can but teleporting back to his portal is still ok as you dealt damage
Submitted by h0pT0_Gaming 4 years ago