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(For Treacherous Ground vs Firing Line). When you want to Ulti, try dropping Warder's Field first, to try and bait Khan into using his Shout. Once he's used it, wait 4-5 seconds, and then Ulti once the CC immunity has worn off.
Submitted by Genavelle 5 years ago
If you suspect Mal'Damba has his ult ready, try to space yourself a bit from the rest of your team. Dread Serpent will knock you out of the air if you're flying, and its hitbox persists for a few seconds after it triggers.
Submitted by Asanthri 6 years ago
If Grover cripples you mid-air, you can fly continuously and stop as it reaches half way to throw off their team's aim.
Submitted by LenLen684 6 years ago
Try to bait out fire spit combo and reversal it back to him or a weak enemy.
Submitted by Jimmy30049 7 years ago
Grumpy Bomb combined with Demolition legendary is a nightmare for Barik, especially if he's with another front liner. That's because he likes to set himself up in one place, and you are forcing him out every 10 seconds.
Submitted by RinTheHateful 6 years ago