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The legendary damage for your attack is a good choice as the frontlines are for most slow moving and thus you can deal insane damage while counter their damage with you illusions (you can also use them to disrupt the beam of torvald)
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
Use of the Totemic Ward legendary can negate Torvald's Runic Blast and Hyper Beam for all teammates within Healing Totem's range
Submitted by GopherKing 6 years ago
General vs Fernando
Remember that Fernando can still Charge while using his Shield. This can enable him to do a little extra damage or reposition himself quickly.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
When you face lex, try to stay at range as you can deal morde damage to him from range, if you're a skilled player and keep rolling, you may have the upper hand on him, also knock him back prenvents him from escaping and impact his aim.
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
easy thing, go chain reaction, wrecker, stick at least 3 bombs per detonation, go Royal Decret 4 or 5, use your grumpy while he's shooting, while he activates Juggernaut, he shouldn't be able to escape, if you can stick more than 3 bombs, better.
Submitted by MegaKun5896 3 years ago