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With Eagle Eye, if Kinessa hits a headshot, she will deal over 1800 damage; more than Maeve's max health, even if Maeve has Haven III.
Submitted by DrYoshiyahu 7 years ago
Guess what you can fly up. This will cause bucks shotgun shells to spread and reduce the overall damage to you.
Submitted by Thunderclanawe 6 years ago
easy thing, go chain reaction, wrecker, stick at least 3 bombs per detonation, go Royal Decret 4 or 5, use your grumpy while he's shooting, while he activates Juggernaut, he shouldn't be able to escape, if you can stick more than 3 bombs, better.
Submitted by MegaKun5896 3 years ago
NEVER stay at close range when fighting Mal'Damba, try staying at a confortable distance where he cant easily hit or stun you, and you revolver has the advantage.
Submitted by GLM 7 years ago
Look out when he is loading his salvo, use reversal and intentionally go into where he is shooting to maximize the reversal effects either at him or another enemy with lower HP to instantly kill them.
Submitted by Gaxkang 7 years ago