
Tip overview

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General vs Maeve
Maeve struggles against groups of enemies, so stick close to your team, especially if you are a support, because you can pressure her either fight, where she will most likely lose, or to flee.
Submitted by CounterFite318 7 years ago
When against a team with a Androxus who pressures you a lot, place an illusion behind a tank just as a precaution, if you get cornered by him in a fight, simply teleporting to that illusion will save you, as Androxus can only deal with single targets
Submitted by CounterFite318 7 years ago
When you find any illusions, simply destroy them with Defiance. This makes tracking down the real Ying and killing her much easier, as she will have no escape options, and no healing source.
Submitted by CounterFite318 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
When an Androxus activates Reversal and you have fired to much already, dodging around makes you a much harder target to hit. Also, if you want to deal damage, and you have an AoE attack ability, aim slightly in front or to the side to hit him.
Submitted by CounterFite318 7 years ago
Barick's Architectonics legendary turrets can not only keep track of Maeve whilst she jumps around, so you can always no where she is just by keeping one eye on the turret, but will never miss her speedy self dealing constant damage to a squishy foe
Submitted by Pantoni21 7 years ago