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General vs Grover
Grover's ultimate does not make him CC immune but stunning him will not cancel the aoe heal. Displacement heavy comps are very powerful against him since they can keep him away from his team and reduce his healing.
Submitted by Thanatos286 6 years ago
General vs Androxus
Encountering Grover in long range spaces - don't PEEK around the corner. Good Grover players throw axes preemptively and you can take a lot of damage. Use short sprints between cover. This way it's harder to predict where to aim.
Submitted by Vortexabyss 7 years ago
If ruckus ults,stand in front of ruckus like rlly in front and near not far,then use Iceblock.It will actually do dmg back to ruckus.Try it!
Submitted by jtzstng 6 years ago
Assuming Buck hits you at point blank with all his pellets in the head, he will need 3 shots to kill you.(2.8s) This will never happen. You can knock buck down to 500 HP with the Daggers+Pounce+Daggers combo (about 2s). Easy kill from there.
Submitted by Toxic-Nightshade 6 years ago
In the moments when Torvald has no extra shield, stun him, and you can get an easy kill.
Submitted by Skull0718 7 years ago