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If enemy team has a Tyra, you are most likely better off using "Crackshot" legendary since Tyra can counter your stealth and mitigate the effectiveness of your other legendaries
Submitted by paavis99 6 years ago
Kinessa is Usually Behind Enemy Lines, Use Your [Daggers] and [Pounce] to Quickly Finish Her Off, If She Escapes Use [Pounce] to Catch Up.
Submitted by Wintertusk 7 years ago
General vs Willo
Most of Willo's kit relies on area denial. After Seedling or Dead Zone have been used, it's better to stay out of reach. Remember that she has quite a large cooldown for those abilities!
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
Maeve's pounce can hit you through reversal. Don't use reversal until after she's pounced.
Submitted by mcdude 5 years ago
General vs Strix
Buy haven, even that 7% reduction on all shots may mean that strix must take 3 shots at you instead of 2. This is massive since you have way more time to attack him. Buy nimble since it increases your movement speed making it easier to strafe.
Submitted by Maximusprime 6 years ago