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You can win against a khan for his high sustain plus damage. If spotted get behind and create a crossfire to make him show his back to your team or to die from your poke.
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
Vora is not strong against willo for her high damage is only countered by closing the gap. If not then you will more than often lose.
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
Vora does not counter Zhin for he has high damage plus sustain. He can time your obliterate w/billow&dash to counter it or cleanse bleed w/billow. To fight him: build stacks then fight. If not max stacks keep outside his basics
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
Ying heavily depends on her escape to negate damage. When fighting her: max stack cripple into melee into obliterate. Instant kill
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago
Victor is easy since you have burst/sustain. Since he relies on sprint for escape, you then cripple(after he trys running)winning You the fight
Submitted by LtsRuwi 3 years ago