
Tip overview

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In a 1v1 situation, silence him with running blast and deal damage until he uses emitter, then channel recharge towards him until he runs out of shields then finish him. Nimble would be perfect to keep pressure on him if he tries to run away.
Submitted by ZiggySt4rdust 6 years ago
With Eagle Eye, if Kinessa hits a headshot, she will deal over 1800 damage; more than Maeve's max health, even if Maeve has Haven III.
Submitted by DrYoshiyahu 7 years ago
General vs Ying
At high skill levels Ying will use her illusions as shields. Get at a higher ground than her and she will be less effective using them to hide.
Submitted by MastaOfDisquise 6 years ago
General vs Drogoz
His Salvo ability has a large blast radius, so be careful!
Submitted by Cookiedwag34v2 7 years ago
Viktor is not CC immune during Barrage! If you so happen to be close to an enemy Viktor using his ultimate, Runic Blast will prevent him from attacking for a few seconds, allowing you and your teammates to save themselves and/or kill the Viktor.
Submitted by defendingfaithx 6 years ago