
Tip overview

Tips for Maeve - How to play best against him in general



General vs Maeve
Maeve is a very good champ but you need to buy the right items: Haven or Blast Shield, Kill to Heal, Chronos, Cauterize are the best items. Only pick Wrecker if the enemy has a Torvald!
Submitted by CreamyPastel 5 years ago
General vs Maeve
Beware of Maeve she can kill you very fast with combos !
Submitted by smallerlp 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
Try to use your double jump (or triple jump) as frequently as possible. And try to jump from the left to right, this will confuse your enemies.
Submitted by TheLegend27 7 years ago
General vs Maeve
Try to do a dubble jump, pounce upwards, tripple jump, nine lives, punce, quad jump combo. Hit ur daggers and win the 1v1, unless its hitscan or a counter. If that play safe. If the enemy is spread out or someone is low, try to outflank the enemy.
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 3 years ago
General vs Maeve
As Maeve, double jumping in a fight is all of a sudden much more viable due to the air strafing changes. If your on controller you can jump in one direction then switch to the opposite direction for maximum jukes. Going in air is better vs console.
Submitted by shadtowa 1 year ago