
Tip overview

Tips for Fernando - How to play best against him in general



General vs Fernando
Smart Fernandoes tend to mostly dive the enmy backline to distract and disrupt. When he dives th backline, this is your best opportunity to go for his backline and kill off his heavy damage dealers, especially while he regens with Last Stand.
Submitted by warriorman222 6 years ago
General vs Fernando
Don't underestimate his damage. His weapons burning effect and fireball's range can really piss you off.
Submitted by OMFGIDIED 6 years ago
General vs Fernando
while dropping very low on health, be careful of his fireball and charge, his flame lance may have that short range but not his fireball
Submitted by radlr 6 years ago
General vs Fernando
Remember that Fernando can still Charge while using his Shield. This can enable him to do a little extra damage or reposition himself quickly.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
Easy way to kill a fernando is to get behind the enemy and hit him from the back which will force him to turn around leaving him vulnerable to champions that were in front of him before,but you will have to be careful of his allies.
Submitted by Lightheart 7 years ago