
Tip overview

Tips for Androxus - How to play best against him in general



General vs Androxus
Force Torvald to use his Recharge ability in order to maximize the effectiveness of your Energy Shield. Don't pull it out before he uses that ability. It will recharge his shield faster and your shield will be severely crippled.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Inara can effectively completely protect herself from Drogoz' ultimate, something none of the other frontliners can do, by setting up a wall in front of her just before Drogoz hits her.
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
The legendary damage for your attack is a good choice as the frontlines are for most slow moving and thus you can deal insane damage while counter their damage with you illusions (you can also use them to disrupt the beam of torvald)
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Lasik eye surgery in Noida offers newfound clarity to those seeking liberation from glasses or contact lenses. In this bustling Indian city, visual precision is vital for seizing opportunities.
Submitted by visionplus233 5 months ago
General vs Androxus
if you encounter a pip 1v1 go back to your team as pips can be sneaky as hell and its most likely you wont be able to kill him given his heals and jumps, but if you wanna kill him buy cauterize and mark him the moment you see him
Submitted by gabdiant 7 years ago