Inara can effectively completely protect herself from Drogoz' ultimate, something none of the other frontliners can do, by setting up a wall in front of her just before Drogoz hits her.
Encountering Grover in long range spaces - don't PEEK around the corner.
Good Grover players throw axes preemptively and you can take a lot of damage. Use short sprints between cover. This way it's harder to predict where to aim.
The legendary damage for your attack is a good choice as the frontlines are for most slow moving and thus you can deal insane damage while counter their damage with you illusions (you can also use them to disrupt the beam of torvald)
Good aim will take you a long way on this champion. Learn his range. Always have an escape plan. Understand how to win every matchup (will come with time). Use your mobility!
Force an Androxus into a long range fight. For example, if you are playing Kinessa, and an Androxus sneaks up behind you, teleport to a distance, and open fire from there. He will either have to fight if he does not have Nether Step or run.