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In the ult stance where you're damage immune, you keep going on a trajectory until you land, Io can ult during this and send you flying to your death. She has just as much long range damage as you, and Luna can rush you.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
Overall, Skye counters Io. Skye does too much damage to Io and Io doesn't have a good escape or anything that can cleanse Skye's poison. Though when Skye tries to ult the point, you can ult as well to immune the damage. That's about it though.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 3 years ago
You have too much health and sustain for Lian to burst through. Just run into her and start firing, she'll be dead soon.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 3 years ago
Sha Lin can either silence you or cripple you. Both prevent you from using your abilities and they cut off your escape.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago