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Buy the Life steal and Demolition items, and deal the most damage you can to him, shooting or throwing grenades.
Submitted by vermelhojogador 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
It is now easy to book a ticket to Kathmandu with <a href="”>Flydubai Airlines Kathmandu Office</a>. It has been serving the Middle East, South Asia, and Europe since 2009,
Submitted by glenna02 1 year ago
For tanky champions like Torvald, use your ultimate to stun them then run in and place your warders field.
Submitted by MoeSmif 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Force Torvald to use his Recharge ability in order to maximize the effectiveness of your Energy Shield. Don't pull it out before he uses that ability. It will recharge his shield faster and your shield will be severely crippled.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
The legendary damage for your attack is a good choice as the frontlines are for most slow moving and thus you can deal insane damage while counter their damage with you illusions (you can also use them to disrupt the beam of torvald)
Submitted by ploop 7 years ago