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So.. Just cycle through the abilities of inara, first right click, then f , then q. Cycle through them...
Submitted by iampiofficial 4 years ago
Tyras biggest chance is to throw her Molotov when Makoa has his shield up, it melts the turtle and almost ensures the kill for her or other teammates.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Inara can effectively completely protect herself from Drogoz' ultimate, something none of the other frontliners can do, by setting up a wall in front of her just before Drogoz hits her.
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago
For tanky champions like Torvald, use your ultimate to stun them then run in and place your warders field.
Submitted by MoeSmif 7 years ago
As Pip can heal the team from afar, you should stay away from the sight of snipers and champions that can fly/float, so staying on top with the help of a good team is really useful.
Submitted by jyukie 6 years ago