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General vs Talus
Currently, Talus' Ultimate is really weak and other than CC immunity, any swift movement can overcome it. Nimble (Literally just 300 credits) can overcome Talus' ultimate.
Submitted by DoomSnake 6 years ago
General vs Lian
Do first your Q than the other abilitys, couse Q do 800 dmg
Submitted by smallerlp 6 years ago
Use illuminate card when she comes near you attack use stealth and snipe dont miss and quickly switch to pistol to finish this whoore.
Submitted by jojojet99 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
Try to use your double jump (or triple jump) as frequently as possible. And try to jump from the left to right, this will confuse your enemies.
Submitted by TheLegend27 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Force Torvald to use his Recharge ability in order to maximize the effectiveness of your Energy Shield. Don't pull it out before he uses that ability. It will recharge his shield faster and your shield will be severely crippled.
Submitted by TheMikirog 7 years ago