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If you see a khan going Commanders grab, switch to Treacherous ground (Warder's field) because when you place it down he wont be able to grab you, and if he uses it to get into point, as long as youre in Warder's field he will be stopped.
Submitted by Lexislex 4 years ago
General vs Ash
Bodyblock her when she tries to escape with her charge on low health, the 800 damage is usually better to take then to let her escape and get healed.
Submitted by Malus 7 years ago
General vs Makoa
When using his ultimate, he does powerful melee attacks. Stay away from him then
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago
Lex's "In Pursuit" deals 1050 damage over 1.4s, so use Ice Block if he starts this, giving you space to punish as he is vulnerable afterwards.
Submitted by George5555ish 6 years ago
General vs Drogoz
Making yourself untargettable negates Drogoz' ultimate too
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago