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General vs Khan
Khan is usually only a threat to the backline when he has his ultimate. Stay behind or inside your Frontline's shield to prolong or avoid Khan's ultimate completely as he cannot grab anyone behind a Shield.
Submitted by Isalva 6 years ago
If your enemy zhin plays with Guillotine talent you should pick Mother's Grace talent.
Submitted by CosmosMeme 6 years ago
If your enemy team picked inara, pick terminus and make sure you have CC and slow reduction card in your loadout.
Submitted by CosmosMeme 6 years ago
If you happen to come across Khan, use the environment to your advantage. Get hits from a distance, run around, and get more hits on him. His relatively small shield lets you get more shots at him, too.
Submitted by proactiveperson 6 years ago
General vs Maeve
While Maeve is best at flying around an open map, a closed environment doesn't hinder her performance. Use Prowl to speed around corners, and jump INTO corners to confuse the enemy.
Submitted by proactiveperson 6 years ago