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General vs Terminus
Fique perto dos inimigos ,Terminus é bom a curtas distancias,mesmo sendo lento
Submitted by NinjadaNoite 6 years ago
I'll beat makoa in his face and kick his neck and punish him finall made makoa cake
Submitted by Mahmoudelbehery 7 years ago
General vs Evie
She has low hp (1800), so don't worry that much.
Submitted by Cookiedwag34v2 7 years ago
General vs Khan
Khan is usually only a threat to the backline when he has his ultimate. Stay behind or inside your Frontline's shield to prolong or avoid Khan's ultimate completely as he cannot grab anyone behind a Shield.
Submitted by Isalva 5 years ago
Lex can kill Maeve easily because NO ONE ESCAPES THE LAW!
Submitted by Anonymous 6 years ago