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General vs Kinessa
If enemy kinessa has ultimate hide behind objects so she cant kill you.
Submitted by hlopac 7 years ago
Who I must write a commentary ?! I’m not a pro me !!!
Submitted by WhiteSystem 6 years ago
dash into the air and the side and float to make it harder for drogoz to hit you.
Submitted by darklord12121 7 years ago
gg ez zhin it's strongest than vivian
Submitted by Cabral04 4 years ago
General vs Maeve
Maeve is a very good champ but you need to buy the right items: Haven or Blast Shield, Kill to Heal, Chronos, Cauterize are the best items. Only pick Wrecker if the enemy has a Torvald!
Submitted by CreamyPastel 6 years ago