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General vs Pip
If Pip ults on you try to hide on corners or behind objects. If he's not very close to you zigzaggin can help avoid his shots. Otherwise you have to count on your team. If death is inevitable, get as close as possible to make him receive self-damage.
Submitted by LucMakai 7 years ago
This is a hard matchup, but try and focus on the Androxus's floating while he is airborne. Shoot where you think he will float to, because he is very slow in the air and cannot dodge it without Nether Step. If all else fails, detonate Fire Spit.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
Makoa's Dredge anchor will ignore Reversal entirely so you cannot rely on it. You can, however, hide behind walls and geometry and peek to perform one shot at a time, forcing Makoa to eventually retreat due to poke damage.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
Lex has more health than you. He has more damage and shoots faster than you. He has more combat-ready mobility to chase you down. His ult is suitable for duels. To beat a Lex shows how much more skilled than him you are. Good luck.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
Pick up wrecker and stay out of Torvald's range. If you get close to him, he will runic blast and burst you down before you can dash or reversal. Stay out of his range and burst him down.
Submitted by Zing_Chow 7 years ago