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When you hear Skye exiting Stealth, quickly find her and shoot her with Disengage. This will reduce her damage a lot since she'll be further away.
Submitted by QcDiablo 7 years ago
Be careful where you ult when enemy team has Kinessa because she can counter your ult with hers, one hitting you.
Submitted by CareKajze 7 years ago
Kinessa's reload is fairly long, letting Maeve pitch damage in for free while you're reloading. If she's the only flank around and your team has other offense items covered, you could grab Deft Hands to help out an engagement.
Submitted by AsteroidCat 7 years ago
Inara has very little options when trying to deal with an arial attack. Float above her when trying to eliminate her.
Submitted by AsteroidCat 7 years ago
Maeve's Pounce goes through Androxus Reversal. Keep this in mind and try to punish Androxus for using Reversal.
Submitted by AaoronEdge 7 years ago