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General vs Vivian
Vivian's shield only protects in front of her, use a flank champion such as Skye to attack her from behind. With any champion you should still try to attack her if doesn't notice you.
Submitted by h0pT0_Gaming 5 years ago
General vs Vivian
Vivian’s only way to do damage to you is her gun. When the ultimate is up, she’s really dangerous. Her sentinels have AoE, and their size is kinda big, too. Try to focus her sentinels when her ultimate is up, so she isn’t so bursty.
Submitted by QueenaUwU 5 years ago
don't try to repeatedly stun the enemy because the enemy can be stunned only every 3 second(unless you're using the wekono's wrath legendary) and that goes for every enemy. otherwise it's a good plan to use your stuns in 1v1
Submitted by Shiro_Tempest32 5 years ago
ruckus doesn't have a shield in front of him that protects from stuns, so use your reload to deal with him. just avoid his high burst damage before you stun him, after that he has to spin his weapon for a second to get it back again.
Submitted by Shiro_Tempest32 5 years ago
try to avoid direct fire by using slither and stun when opportunity arrives
Submitted by Shiro_Tempest32 5 years ago