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You shouldn't meet each other in this matchup but if it happens, as long as Furia uses her abilities carefully and reasonably Seris is no danger for you. Their heal is on very similar level and Seris' dmg is worse even if she uses soul collector.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago
Evie is fast enough to escape from your beam and your wings of wrath. To counter her be sure she has no more blinks and soars and when it happened use your beam. You should keep just a little distance as long as you don't play on Exterminate.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago
As long as Koga has at least one dash it's impossible to use beam on him. To counter him you should always stay close to one ally with CC ability. Bait him to use all his dashes and stun him that he can't counter you alone.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago
General vs Furia
Furia is mainly backline high damage supporter that should be used more to defend oneself. She shouldn't be atacked directly because of damage and beams. The best way to counter her is force her to waste all skills, or atack from distance.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago
Atlas is actually a great counter to Khan, as he can setback khan after battle shout, has a better shield and can rewind after being thrown out of the map. The main thing is to time your abilities correctly.
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 3 years ago