
Tip overview

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If Tyra has burn monster, ask your team to kill her first if its possible in any way. Other than that stay close to walls to roll behind if she ults and make sure she has no fire bomb in store while youre planted and on formchange cooldown.
Submitted by ShishiMeow 3 years ago
Check the ability. If its exermination, go in mobile form when ever shes closeby, Furia will usually try to hit you with the solar beam the same time you change forms so you can avoid it in time. bait it out.
Submitted by ShishiMeow 3 years ago
- Buy Blast Shields - Approach him with the acid and play offensive/flanky, if the rest of his team is occupied - Time your hardening ability when finding yourself in bombs - Take care to not get slowed down by the harpoon in front of enemy team
Submitted by ShishiMeow 3 years ago
General vs Willo
If Willo uses her skills wisely, you won't be able to beat her up close. At first you should find higher one than her position that you can suprise and chase her out of. Willo is not very good at dealing with flying or high mobility enemies.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago
General vs Grover
His insta heal is big, but only when ally is in his circle. Firstly you and "your allies" should pay attention to "his allies" and them occupy with something. Then when Grover is left alone it's your chance to challenge him on solo fight.
Submitted by Vfawek 3 years ago