
Tip overview

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General vs Willo
Deadzone is not completely ground-based like Damba's gourd or Tyra's fire. It works like Viktor's ult which means that it can be blocked with shields as long as you're not exposed to the middle.
Submitted by Hexadermia 7 years ago
Viktor is not CC immune during Barrage! If you so happen to be close to an enemy Viktor using his ultimate, Runic Blast will prevent him from attacking for a few seconds, allowing you and your teammates to save themselves and/or kill the Viktor.
Submitted by defendingfaithx 7 years ago
Push her clones away from point to minimize healing. Push her clones from map edges - guess what happens if she uses her "Dimension link" teleport. Usually Ying jumping between clones to confuse enemies, not paying attention to location of the clone
Submitted by Vortexabyss 7 years ago
Keep your distance, cook a grenade for 2-3 seconds then throw and then start to unload a clip on her. She should die relatively fast before using her Shadow Travel ability, allowing her to escape. This will almost guarantee a victory..pun intended ;)
Submitted by BloodBurst02 7 years ago
Stand right in his face with your counter ability and you will kill him in seconds.
Submitted by dusan4 7 years ago