
Tip overview

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As Pip can heal the team from afar, you should stay away from the sight of snipers and champions that can fly/float, so staying on top with the help of a good team is really useful.
Submitted by jyukie 7 years ago
If you're using Incitement IV, Ruckus is just a sitting duck for your Dodge Roll reset, especially if he's distracted by your teammates. He's easy to hit, you're not.
Submitted by RinTheHateful 7 years ago
Be extremely careful with your positioning! Grover has very good anti-sniper capabilities. You don't want him to notice you first. Remember about stealth, move and look around often to avoid a nasty suprise which is an axe hurled from across the map.
Submitted by RinTheHateful 7 years ago
General vs Grohk
Grohk can deal massive amount of damage if he can track you properly, move randomly to set his aim off
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago
It's best to strike lian without her percision ability, listen for her audio q's and burst when the time is right.
Submitted by NomNomMelon 7 years ago