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General vs Kinessa
If enemy kinessa has ultimate hide behind objects so she cant kill you.
Submitted by hlopac 7 years ago
If enemy team has a Tyra, you are most likely better off using "Crackshot" legendary since Tyra can counter your stealth and mitigate the effectiveness of your other legendaries
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago
When playing Tyra against Strix, try to lay your Hunter's mark on him, it will reveal Strix even if he tries to activate stealth.
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago
General vs Lian
be aware of Lian movement ability (Grace) because it is an autoaim attack and cannot miss. this is guaranteed 400 damage in close range.
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago
General vs Fernando
if there is an Fernando with Aegis legendary in the other team and no hard hitter in your team, Wrecker is a must pick so you can deal with the shield.
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago