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Sha Lin is at heart a sniper. Eye him from a distance and try to come closer without him noticing. Then, jump at him with poppy bomb while firing sticky bombs. If you get the jump on him you will kill him.
Submitted by Merovingian 6 years ago
The best way to get Torvald down is the combo between Wrecker and Street Justice. Keep your distance if you know Nullify is up, because Nullify is your ruin. Knock his health down from a distance, rush in, and pounce once hes at/below half health.
Submitted by ReaperSensei 6 years ago
Two words. Street Justice. Poke from a distance until you, or someone else can get her around/below half health, and when she's not using earthen guard, pounce.
Submitted by ReaperSensei 6 years ago
General vs Lian
Avoid stacking up in a line as you attack or your team will get speared with a presence shot for 800 piercing damage. Be wary if you see a Lian with Eminence as it will focus on presence spam. Stay behind shields as it cancels on hit effects.
Submitted by GalletaGrande 6 years ago
General vs Mal'Damba
When ulting as Mal'damba be careful of shields and the cart, both of those can stop your ult from being as effective as possible by blocking it from hitting anyone. Try and make your ult detonate above the cart.
Submitted by Zaxbob 6 years ago