Run Treacherous Ground, and drop Warder's Field whenever Term jumps on you. The Cripple apparently stops his Stun/Slow from happening even if he only lands in the field.
(For Treacherous Ground vs Firing Line). When you want to Ulti, try dropping Warder's Field first, to try and bait Khan into using his Shout. Once he's used it, wait 4-5 seconds, and then Ulti once the CC immunity has worn off.
Make sure either Grohk or his totem is dead before using your ultimate. Give about a second after the totem dies, so that the enemies' CC immunity wears off first. Otherwise, your Ultimate will do nothing when the enemies have CC immunity.
Run a jump loadout with the card where Impasse knocks you up into the air. Use this to jump onto Kinessa, and then immediately cripple her with Treacherous Ground Warder's Field. She's very squishy and will have no means of escape.