
Tip overview

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General vs Pip
Always reload before using [Evil Mojo], as you only get a short amount of time to kill off everyone affected. It is also a good idea to save it until multiple allies are nearby, if at all possible.
Submitted by Proasek 6 years ago
In the event of an unavoidable "Pyre Strike", using "Magic Barrier" can deflect the orbital beam. (Tip does not work with "Exterminate" talent.)
Submitted by MrRubberyDucky 6 years ago
Using Moji, run up to Grover and swiftly execute him as his throwing axe will not do enough damage to kill you up close.
Submitted by MrRubberyDucky 6 years ago
Generally, throwing down Fire Bomb in Sniper Nests will force the snipers to relocate.
Submitted by MrRubberyDucky 6 years ago
Using Tyra, marking and hunting down Furia is a matter of time. Generally paired up with another healer, Furia is easily gunned down by Tyra.
Submitted by MrRubberyDucky 6 years ago