
Tip overview

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As Barik, drop your Turrets and shield, play a cat and mouse game where youre the mouse, let the turrets do damage meanwhile and keep your shield or cover between you and the turtle.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
As Makoa try to dodge his projectiles and wait for the lizard to land then strike, hook him next to you and your teammates.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
Grab him through reversal, a good player might neatherstep afterwards so be careful to hit that next shot.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
Tyras biggest chance is to throw her Molotov when Makoa has his shield up, it melts the turtle and almost ensures the kill for her or other teammates.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
General vs Drogoz
Never stay in corners or buildings against Drogoz. Otherwise his AOE will shut you down.
Submitted by Stylence 7 years ago