
Tip overview

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Get in close quarters in rooms or tunnels to nullify her escape ability, hook her and body block the doors. Dont engage at range, she will keep you away with her knockback and out-DPS you.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
Go for his todems first.1 cannon ball is not gonna kill him if he is low and has a todem up, considering he can ghost and still get heals from the todem you didnt kill. After the todem, damage him, wait for his ghost and hook him after for the kill.
Submitted by Fenix 7 years ago
Grover does not exactly counter Kinessa, but can be very annoying to her by simply throwing axes in her general direction, forcing her to constantly reposition, unable to take proper aim.
Submitted by Tinkernick 7 years ago
Your shell shield does not protect you from Viktor's ultimate (barrage)! Use your shell spin to escape.
Submitted by Tinkernick 7 years ago
Escaping Tyra is very difficult, since she can reveal you easily and spray you down. Always have your impaler arrow ready and force her in front of walls. Once she's pinned, she has no ability to escape your rain of arrows (planted).
Submitted by Tinkernick 7 years ago