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Tyra can throw her Fire Bomb through Barricade. You can punish an early Barricade this way.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
General vs Grohk
Shock Pulse will not bounce if it hits a shield. Take advantage of this if you can as a front liner.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
General vs Grohk
Shock Pulse will bounce if it hits a deployable like Ying's Illusions or Barik's Turrets. If you are playing competitive and he is picked early, avoid using these two to make Shock Pulse more difficult to use.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
For tanky champions like Torvald, use your ultimate to stun them then run in and place your warders field.
Submitted by MoeSmif 7 years ago
If an enemy Skye uses her Smokescreen to escape nearby, you can use your abilities to trap the Skye by dropping your Warder's Field and Impasse in the nearest available exits. She can then be quickly bursted down in a 1v1 situation.
Submitted by RainEStar 7 years ago