Jenos' healing is independent of his location. Expect him to flank your team while still healing his. If he tries to run away, don't try to chase the kill as he can waste time but instead scare him away from his team, lest he support in hiding
Smart Fernandoes tend to mostly dive the enmy backline to distract and disrupt. When he dives th backline, this is your best opportunity to go for his backline and kill off his heavy damage dealers, especially while he regens with Last Stand.
Tinkerin' Barik has range slightly beyond the level of Viktor. Don't even bother 1v1ing him if he even has 1 turret up, as he then requires multiple people focus firing him to bring him down.
Ash's Shoulder Bash ends upon hitting a target. Try to block off her most convenient escape path when she reaches low health, trading 800 health for a basically guaranteed kill.
Lian, contrary to most damage dealers, is food for most tanks. An aggressive tank like Fernando or Ash essentially have her on a guaranteed death timer the moment they press F, and defensive tanks like Barik and Ruckus outdps and destroy her.