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Makoa is one of the Best counters for strix if you flank with him, do the LMB + RMB + LMB and strix is dead
Submitted by rockindaroomjj 7 years ago
If you're playing against a Strix, your best option is hit 1 fully charged shot before he goes invisible, then remember, Strix is a peeker, he will peek to get his shots while invisible, try to predict when he might peek or where he might be and won
Submitted by rockindaroomjj 7 years ago
General vs Strix
Just play Strix, today the day of his release he is overpowered AF, counter for everything.
Submitted by bormen414 7 years ago
Your ultimate goes through his shield. If he survives it, no problem! Spite still cancels his shield! Use it when he hides behind his shield with low hp, especially when he uses Last Stand card!
Submitted by natura2000 7 years ago
Two Sticky Bombs will down an Evie, hit your shots. If you anticipate being rushed put down a Grumpy Bomb. If you need to disengage use Poppy Bomb, then you need to finish the job before it finishes you.
Submitted by Garthean 7 years ago