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Use agility and then run circles around her the only way you will lose this is if she knows you are coming from a distance. Also your ultimate destroys her.
Submitted by Adios12 6 years ago
When using Androxus, its always good to be near the Makoa with your revolver. When Makoa attacks up front you need stay close to him but on the sides. As soon as you see him use his shield you must dash straight away and use your punch to finish him.
Submitted by MyStiC131 6 years ago
Void Grip as an escape route isn't effective if your ally can't kill the enemy quickly and you're with low HP, but you can always gain time by going below the suspended enemy since it's an unlikely thing to do. He'll delay to aim and you'll be safe.
Submitted by Vahfaelorn 6 years ago
Use pyre strike to stop ancient rage
Submitted by NakaFR 6 years ago
You can reversal his ultimate back at him to deal a lot of damage and then easily headshot him.
Submitted by Adios12 6 years ago