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If Ash ults, you can ult and run her out of her circle of immunity.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
Mal'Damba counters Skye. His gourd can reveal her through his tick damage, he can immune her entire ult and poison damage, and she has no defense to his ult.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
Overall, Skye counters Io. Skye does too much damage to Io and Io doesn't have a good escape or anything that can cleanse Skye's poison. Though when Skye tries to ult the point, you can ult as well to immune the damage. That's about it though.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
More to say. A Over the Moon vs +max blast shield is only 50 less dmg than normal shot vs no blast shield. If you see enemy drogoz is low, forget what you are doing and end him. If he is good, you have just saved your team a lot of pain.
Submitted by LeCheech 4 years ago
Both have insane vertical mobility, drogoz has more HP and a faster/harder hitting projectile and a lot of aerial sustain. Drog can almost insta kill you. Use surprise, and if you see he is low blink + soar ABOVE him to finish him off.
Submitted by LeCheech 4 years ago