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Atlas Shield shuts down Skye's Ult completely, so try to read her mind and time it correctly when u believe she has her Ult ready.
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 4 years ago
At the start of each round, you can use your first setback at her, sending her way back and having her walk across a big path without any movement ability. If she plays Mother's Grace, act quickly, before she goes into cc immune state.
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 4 years ago
General vs Atlas
When going against Atlas, hard cc (Silence, Cripple) shut him down, as he relies on his abilities rather than his primary
Submitted by TheGodzlayerXx 4 years ago
Try to get the first hit on him, if you do, Sha Lin will have to options, attack you like crazy or be invisible to run. If he attacks, use your magic barrier or attack too, if you get one more hit he is done. If he goes invisible, use your breath.
Submitted by PaumDiMinuto 4 years ago
When Vivian shows up with her shield, Moji is useles, and you don't have any chance against her. Try to run from her and wait until her shield is out. But if you buy wrecker you can easily break her shield and beat her timing your magic barrier.
Submitted by PaumDiMinuto 4 years ago