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Immortal will protect both you and nearby teammates from Drogoz's Dragon Punch. Wait until Drogoz finishes declaring his fury, however, or Immortal may end before he reaches you.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
General vs Androxus
Unless your Champion's basic attack is hitscan, like Viktor or Tyra, you'll be hard-pressed to hit Androxus while he's airborne. Wait for him to land, if you can.
Submitted by DefenderHero 7 years ago
Try to bait out fire spit combo and reversal it back to him or a weak enemy.
Submitted by Jimmy30049 7 years ago
Use your anchor to cancel Torvald's recharge, forcing him to go cooldown
Submitted by DesignsNexT 7 years ago
Very easy to get a long range two shot kill. Usually in lower ranks the Kinessa will not react quickly, allowing you to get a second throw on.
Submitted by DimTriii 7 years ago