Pip's ult can turn anyone into chickens. Even if Nando will not Die, Ash wants to fight, Spring has come for grover or you are daring to challenge Makoa. So save your ult if you notice these characters in the enemy team
Watch how the enemy kinessa plays, where does she position? Go for flank routes she won't be expecting. Watch out for her mines, getting hit by one can blow your cover and always try to get the first hit on her, get cauterize and study their loadouts
Any sort of Rush ability like Nando's charge, Zhin's Whirl, Andro's Nether Step, Buck's Leap and so on can counter any small knockback like Ash's or Cassie's. But if it's torvald's ult, You probably need resilience 3
Zhin's counter stance will allow him to counter ANY offensive ultimate especially with the counter legendary card. It can even counter torvald's hyper beam, Every hit of Makoa's Ancient rage or any damage ultimate you can think about. Tread lightly