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General vs Sha Lin
Try to Avoid his deadly combo which is impale stun and planted by avoid standing near walls or buy resilience if its needed
Submitted by sakha24 7 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
Sha Lin is a deadly champion with high DPS and fit with all range,but his weapon is projectiles which mean it will be harder to shoot fast or moving target Use this opportunity by trying to jumping around and move as much as possible
Submitted by sakha24 7 years ago
If Grover cripples you mid-air, you can fly continuously and stop as it reaches half way to throw off their team's aim.
Submitted by LenLen684 7 years ago
When Strix goes into stealth, he's fairly loud, allowing you to be able to more accurately predict where they will be. Strix usually hides and peeks to shoot, but shoot once, teleport mid-long range, and he's toast after the second shot.
Submitted by LenLen684 7 years ago
If you're hiding behind something and have a visual on Lian, you can surprise her with your first shot, teleport to a different location where you'll surely see her and finish her off.
Submitted by LenLen684 7 years ago