
Tip overview

Tips for Lian - How to play best against him in general



General vs Lian
Avoid stacking up in a line as you attack or your team will get speared with a presence shot for 800 piercing damage. Be wary if you see a Lian with Eminence as it will focus on presence spam. Stay behind shields as it cancels on hit effects.
Submitted by GalletaGrande 6 years ago
General vs Lian
be aware of Lian movement ability (Grace) because it is an autoaim attack and cannot miss. this is guaranteed 400 damage in close range.
Submitted by paavis99 7 years ago
General vs Lian
If you're a non-tank that isnt capable of much self- healing do not try to 1v1 lian at mid to short range as she is capable of bursting you down. Instead, use an element of suprise and go behind her when she is distracted.
Submitted by Brionne 6 years ago
General vs Lian
Lian, contrary to most damage dealers, is food for most tanks. An aggressive tank like Fernando or Ash essentially have her on a guaranteed death timer the moment they press F, and defensive tanks like Barik and Ruckus outdps and destroy her.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago
General vs Lian
Lian can deal massive damage with either lessened or zero need for aim. Her ability to spread damage is massive giving her inflated damage and credit scores, but her DPS is awful. If you are a damage dealer, you'll have to make the tank end her life.
Submitted by warriorman222 7 years ago