
Tip overview

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Kinessa has more mobility than Skye. Try always to stay on High grounds, so you will be harder to be killed by her.
Submitted by Anonymous 6 years ago
Tyra can throw her Fire Bomb through Barricade. You can punish an early Barricade this way.
Submitted by Ironmonger42 7 years ago
Best thing about Torvald? No movement ability or CC immunity ability, a perfect target for your stuns. By stunning him you can stop him from recharging his shield or using his ult, so he'll have to buy resiliance first instead of cauterize or wrecker
Submitted by SoulOverCaos 6 years ago
General vs Terminus
Terminus's Power Siphon gives him unlimited damage absorption in the direction it's aimed in, but it has limited charge. Try to put him under pressure and make him waste its charge until he's vulnerable, but be careful to not hit the siphon too much.
Submitted by Asanthri 1 month ago
General vs Ash
Ash's Shoulder Bash ends upon hitting a target. Try to block off her most convenient escape path when she reaches low health, trading 800 health for a basically guaranteed kill.
Submitted by warriorman222 6 years ago