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General vs Seris
Just because you're behind cover, don't think your safe after fighting a Seris becuase rend soul can end you if you're low enough or just make you more vulnerable to any other unless she already used it.
Submitted by Vistorchill 6 years ago
Pesky counter Zhin ruining your fun? Shoot around Him and give some splash! Make Him pop counter so He can't delete your ult when the time comes to teamwipe. Without vertical movement He can't give chase to a Weightless Pip either. Run if you need!
Submitted by ZornieKins 6 years ago
Keep a Distance, Maeve is powerful if she's near you
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago
Using reversal when skye starts shooting, followed by nether steps and try not to lose track of the enemy(while shooting ofcourse)
Submitted by SharkSandwich 6 years ago
When Buck activate his Ultimate, Khan's commander grab can waste precious seconds of said Ultimate and gives a chance for your allies to kill him fast.
Submitted by Bloodbane13 5 years ago