
Tip overview

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Mainly when going up against Skye, you'll be already halfway below health because she has surprised you. In that case use Withdrawal to counter. If you feel like you're ready, or Skye is about to disappear, use Planted to shred her down.
Submitted by tweetmeordiebro 7 years ago
General vs Strix
Just play Strix, today the day of his release he is overpowered AF, counter for everything.
Submitted by bormen414 7 years ago
General vs Dredge
Dredge may have good long range damage but he is very bad at dealing with flanks up close. It's best if he doesn't see you flanking him so a champion such as Skye is best.
Submitted by h0pT0_Gaming 5 years ago
Inara is a time sink for you because she has too much health and damage mitigation. Though you still counter her because Inara is weak at long range and she's not mobile enough to chase you down.
Submitted by ConcernedCitizen 4 years ago
General vs Bomb King
The sticky bombs also do extra damage when more than one of them hits you. Try to avoid those situation
Submitted by the PaladinsCounter Team 7 years ago