
Tip overview

Tips for Sha Lin - How to play best against him in general



General vs Sha Lin
Quando seus inimigos estiverem perto de ganhar ,atire sem esticar o arco,isso pode dar ao seu time o dano extra de que eles precisam.
Submitted by NinjadaNoite 6 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
Sha'Lin is a slow champion. Always try to get him by surprise and use the map to your advantage. He can't escape!
Submitted by Stylence 7 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
Be careful when standing near walls, as he can combo you with Planted or a Fully-Charged arrow while you're stunned.
Submitted by VibriVibRibbon 6 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
If you play as a flank and your target is Sha Lin using Desert Shadow as a legendary card, buy illuminate to counter him.
Submitted by CosmosMeme 7 years ago
General vs Sha Lin
Sha Lin is a deadly champion with high DPS and fit with all range,but his weapon is projectiles which mean it will be harder to shoot fast or moving target Use this opportunity by trying to jumping around and move as much as possible
Submitted by sakha24 7 years ago