After she hits a successful ult and eats someone, she'll be vulnerable during her eating animation for a good 2 to 3 seconds. This time is more than enough to burst her down as she won't be able to use any of her abilities during this animation
Use toot as Moji even after it's nerf it is her best talent no mater how you play, due to her massive hit box and limited mobility compared to others of her class she needs the reliable self sustain it provides, and it can help your team in a pinch.
Make sure you have scamper available before using Moji's ultimate or else the enemy might escape after you transform them into a treat as without scamper its really hard to finish the treat especially if the enemy is constantly jumping.
Ways to counter Moji
1) Shields to block her spray from creating marks
2) Vertically mobile champs that can take high ground and stay out of her range
3) Champs with long-range poke and/or decent mobility in general
Moji can take you down very quickly, with large burst. Don't shoot her shield and stay aware of her location, because she can melt you like that if she can sneak up on you.